Rope and Cable Rigging Tutorial using After Effects (Puppet Tool + Duik DuDuf IK)

Using the bone and controller features of the Duik script, I'm able to create a organic moving cable that is easy to animate. This tutorial covers workflow, setup, and animation that can apply to many different scenarios involving, string, rope or cables. Project File and more tutorials on my website: ‎ Download the Duik DuDuF Script for free here:

Using the bone and controller features of the Duik Script, I'm able to create a organic moving cable that is easy to animate. This tutorial covers workflow, setup, and animation that applies to many different scenarios involving, string, rope or cables.

Download the Project File: Rope and Cable Tutorial Project Files  Don't forget to download the free Duik DuDuf IK Script for Free!

Please feel free to post questions and feedback below.

LED text replacement VFX tutorial using Mocha for AE

Project Files: Website: In this After Effects Tutorial I will show you how to track the LED video footage using Mocha for AE. After that we will replace the text. Tutorial covers Motion Tracking, Optics Compensation, Track Matte,Fractal Noise, Pre-Composing and much more. This is a intermediate VFX project tutorial and the basic principles can be applied in many scenarios, not just LED boards.

Have you ever wanted to replace the text of an LED board?  Well now you can, you don't need to know how to hack electronics, just some After Effects elbow grease will get the job done.  This is my first ever online After Effects Tutorial!  In it I will show you how to track the LED video footage using Mocha for AE, then I'll show how to replace the text with any graphics, icons or any words you please.  This tutorial in an intermediate to advanced tutorial and not recommend for beginners.  The tutorial video covers  Motion Tracking, Optics Compensation, Track Matte,Fractal Noise, Pre-Composing and much more.  This is a general VFX tutorial and the basic principles can be applied in many scenarios, not just LED boards. If you wish to follow along, you can down load the project file below.

LED Tutorial Project Files!

Please leave comments below with any questions or feedback for future tutorials.  And don't forget to watch the original short film I created that used this effect: "Words tend to be Inadequate"